Move forward backwards or sideways. -This struck a cord within me. I have been feeling so stuck, too afraid to move and make a mistake. I no longer wish to be stagnant, I choose to move. Any direction is fine.
Thank you, Stacy, I love the one on understanding cycles, it's very much a way I always enjoy nature and I see cycles everywhere in society and history as well (in history, spirals are better to incorporate the time frame).
Quarry into hope! That will be my mantra for these days
What a great mantra!
There is nothing quite like the feeling of actually being part of the wild. Thank you for the reminder of how important that is.
Yes, wild as in nature but wild to in how to care for and stand up for ourselves as individuals. Rewind our own possibilities.
Thank you for these habit prompts; I look forward to the challenge of trying one!
Move forward backwards or sideways. -This struck a cord within me. I have been feeling so stuck, too afraid to move and make a mistake. I no longer wish to be stagnant, I choose to move. Any direction is fine.
Yes!!! There is such a negative connotation to sideways but there is still something in the side step you've likely not yet seen.
Something in each step I've not seen - that really resonates with me. Thank you.
Loved this
Thank you, Nelly.
This is beautiful.
Thank you, Michael.
Thank you, Stacy, I love the one on understanding cycles, it's very much a way I always enjoy nature and I see cycles everywhere in society and history as well (in history, spirals are better to incorporate the time frame).
We have to emerge now and again. Sometimes we get too comfortable...