Lovely, Stacy.

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Hi Stacy! What a wonderful idea to write a sentence a day. "If it is a good winter snow season, I am unlikely to complain until February, maybe early March, but if it is a mostly snow-free season, I will complain every day through April." Oh, I feel exactly the same 😅 Thank you for your lovely reflections 💚

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This is a good way to really look at each day and find something to be awe'd about or reflect upon as a truth (like the sentence you quoted - 😁.)

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“The sky acts in defiance of itself unsure if it wants to be gray and thick with clouds or a breathtaking blue hedged by white fluffs.” Beautiful. Also, #21 and 22 — woah!

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Sometimes I feel like November is a month that simply straddles time but this year the sentences reminded me of the beauty - but I often had to look up to see the colors.

But then, Oakley ... I had to share that ...

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I saw this yesterday morning and thought to myself, this could be a small start for this rookie writer. The that same day in a meeting someone was saying that they wanted to write but their workload was very heavy that week. And they've been saying that for a couple weeks now. So I challenged them to a sentence a day for 7 days till our next weekly meeting.

I secretly also want to do a picture a day with it.

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I think adding a picture a day is totally worth the effort. As a by-the-by, I've been doing a lot of micro photos (just with my phone) lately and by doing so I am forced to look up the why to the questions that come from seeing something I had not noticed before.

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I so look forward to these monthly sentences. Beautiful descriptions like the one about the snowflakes falling and funny comments about your schedule of complaints, they're all such fun to read. You know you have the makings of a book, right?

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The project I am working on now is 365 days of what was supposed to be nature-based observations but I have decided to make it notes from nature to me, the human.

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I love the idea of one sentence a day.

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Let me know if it becomes a part of your practice, even if not pen to paper.

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